Courgette Pizza

Taking the dough and the soggy bottoms out the equation!

Total time: 20 minutes

Ingredients for 2 people

2 courgettes

1 chorizo

4 red cherry tomatoes

4 yellow cherry tomatoes

150 g of grated mozzarella cheese


1 Sheetpan

Baking paper

Step 1/3

Cut the courgettes in 2 lengthwise, scoop out the center with a spoon. Cut the chorizo into slices and the cherry tomatoes in half.

Step 2/3

Fill the courgettes with grated mozzarella and then place alternating slices of chorizo and sliced cherry tomatoes.

Step 3/3

Bake for 20 minutes at 180 °C on a baking paper-lined sheet pan. Eat warm! Make a side salad to serve as a side if you'd like.

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