Peacock Dessert

Peacock Dessert! It's fruity, it's fun, it's great to make with kids!🦚


Total time: 40 minutes

Prep time: 20 minutes, Rest time: 20 minutes

Ingredients for 10 people

1 cup of orange juice

56 ladyfingers

1 cup of mascarpone

0.3 cup of sugar


1 cup of whipped cream

5 kiwis

1 pineapple

2 tangerines

13 white grapes

20 black grapes




Step 1/3

Dip the ladyfingers in 1 chef of orange juice. Whip 1 chef of mascarpone, 1 cat of sugar, 1 vanilla pod and 2 chefs of whipped cream.

Step 2/3

Arrange the ladyfingers in the pan, upright against the edge and at the bottom. Cover with 1 layer of whipped cream. Decorate the whipped cream with slices of kiwis, pieces of pineapple, 1 tangerine in quarters, blueberries and currants then cover with a new layer of ladyfingers. Add 1 layer of whipped cream and decorate it with sliced strawberries, sliced kiwis, blueberries, currants and 1 grape. Cover with a last layer of whipped cream.

Step 3/3

Place 1 pear half on top to form peacock body. Cut 2 slices of strawberries into a triangle to form bird's feet and place them under the pear. Place 1 triangular piece of pineapple on the pear to make the beak. Create 2 eyes with whipped cream and pieces of blueberry. Form the tail of the peacock with white and black grapes, half-slices of kiwi fruit, blueberries, pieces of pineapple, slices of strawberries, currants, blueberries and wedges of tangerine. Enjoy.

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