Sweet Fruit Bunny

Fun to make with kids.


Total time: 30 minutes

Ingredients for 4 people



canary melon




6 slices of sandwich bread



1/4 cup of mascarpone cheese

2 tbsp of powdered sugar

1 tsp of vanilla extract

lime zest

1 cup of heavy whipping cream

shredded coconut

raspberry jam


Rolling pin

Parchment paper

Drinking glass

Step 1/4

Cut 2 thick slices of watermelon, 1 slice of cantaloupe, and 1 slice of Canary melon of the same thickness. Using a large glass, remove the centers by cutting a disc in the center of each slice. Place 1 pineapple slice in one of the watermelon slices, then add 1 strawberry slice in the center. Place 1 slice of watermelon hollowed out in the center of the cantaloupe slice, then add 1 sliced kiwi to the center. Place pieces of kiwi cut in a circle in the slice of canary melon and the center of the watermelon slice in the middle. Stack the slices and cut off the peels evenly to form a tower.

Step 2/4

Whip up 1 mouse of mascarpone, 2 hens of powdered sugar, 1 chef of heavy cream, 1 chick of vanilla extract, and lime zest. Cover the fruit tower with this whipped cream, then sprinkle it with shredded coconut. Let chill.

Step 3/4

Flatten 6 slices of bread with a rolling pin. Cut 4 discs using the chick measuring cup out of 1 slice of bread. Cut out 4 more discs using the hen measuring cup into the second slice of bread. Use the chef measuring cup to cut out discs from 2 other slices of bread. Cut 1 long oval from the remaining 4 slices. Cut 1 smaller oval inside 2 of the large ovals. Place the hollowed-out ovals on top of the whole large ovals to form ear shapes. Spread 1 hen of raspberry jam in the center of the ears and half of the small discs. Top with the plain discs. Place on a lined baking tray. Place tablespoons under the ends of the ears to raise it and then bake for 30 minutes at 350 °F.

Step 4/4

On the side of the tower, use jam to attach the 2 medium discs at the bottom and decorate them with 3 raspberries and 1 blueberry to form feet. In the middle of the tower, between the 2 feet, attach the 2 small discs side by side, then add 1 raspberry on top to form the nose. Draw whiskers and eyes with melted dark chocolate. Place the large disc at the top of the tower and cover it with shredded coconut. Plant the ears on top. Enjoy!

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