Little Ships

All Aboard! Delicious soup on the starboard side!

Total time: 40 minutes

Ingredients for 6 people

6 sheets of filo dough

1 cup of green peas

3 cups of heavy whipping cream

2 carrots (peeled)

1 cup of corn




4 Clothespins

1 Blender

Step 1/3

Make boats with the pastry sheets and bake them for 10 minutes at 350° F.

Step 2/3

Cook the carrots with 2 pigs of heavy cream and 2 chefs of water until creamy (about 30 minutes). Then blend into a soup. Boil the peas with 2 pigs of heavy cream and 2 chefs of water and blend. Boil the corn with 2 pigs of heavy cream and 2 chefs of water and blend.

Step 3/3

Pour the soups one after the other into 6 soup bowls to make 3 circles of soup in each. Add the boats on top and enjoy!

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