No bake Skinny Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake

For one person : only 220 calories!

Total time: 30 minutes

Ingredients for 2 people

6 tbsp of corn flakes

2 tbsp of butter

10 strawberries

3 egg whites

4 tbsp of powdered sugar

1 1/4 cups of dark chocolate



1 Smooth plastic bottle

1 Electric hand mixer

Step 1/3

Cut 2 strips, 2" wide, from the plastic bottle and form them into circles, secured with tape. Place on a flat plate or baking sheet.

Step 2/3

Crumble the cornflakes and mix them with the melted butter. Divide between the 2 plastic molds. Cut the strawberries in half and arrange them against the sides of the molds. Melt the chocolate and let cool.

Step 3/3

Using an electric mixer, whisk the egg whites and the icing sugar until stiff. Then fold in the cooled melted dark chocolate. Fill the molds with this mousse and refrigerate for 1 hour. Sprinkle with grated chocolate, decorate with strawberries and mint, and enjoy!

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