Savory Yogurt Cake

It's de-LIGHT-ful! Only 180 calories per serving!

Total time: 20 minutes

Ingredients for 6 people

3 egg yolks

6 cups of fat free yogurt

1 tsp of paprika

1 tsp of turmeric

10 slices of smoked salmon

3 zucchini

lemon zest




Cling wrap

1 Loaf pan

Step 1/4

Mix an egg yolk into 3 bowls with 1 cup of yogurt each. Add paprika to one, turmeric to another, and lemon zest to the last. Pour the 3 yogurts side by side on cling wrap and roll it up make a three-colored yogurt log. Freeze for 2 hours.

Step 2/4

Add chopped chives and pepper to the remaining yogurt. Line the loaf pan with slices of smoked salmon, leaving them to hang over the sides. Slice the zucchini into thin rounds.

Step 3/4

Pour a layer of yogurt with chives into the pan and cover it with slices of zucchini. Add another layer of yogurt and lay the frozen log on top. Cover with yogurt, add a layer of zucchini, and then a last layer of yogurt.

Step 4/4

Fold the salmon slices to cover the cake and refrigerate for 2 hours. Turn out of the pan, slice and enjoy!

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