Veggie Cups

Colourful little bites to fill you up but not out! Per portion: only 84 calories!

Total time: 15 minutes

Ingredients for 6 people

1 zucchini

1 carrot

1 leek

6 eggs



curry powder

salt & pepper


1 Muffin tin

Step 1/3

Grate the vegetables into different salad bowls. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and mix the whites into the vegetables.

Step 2/3

Add thyme to the zucchini, cumin to the carrots, and curry powder to the leeks. Season with salt and pepper, then divide each mixture between 2 sections of the muffin tin.

Step 3/3

Form the grated vegetables into cups and place an egg yolk in each. Bake for 10 minutes at 350 °F and enjoy!

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