Banana Cream Pie

With chocolate-dipped bananas! 🍌🤤🍌🍫

Total time: 60 minutes

Ingredients for 8 people

8 bananas

1 box of graham crackers

1/4 cup of chopped peanuts

6 tbsp of butter, melted

1/2 cup of sugar

1/4 cup of corn starch

1/2 tsp of salt

2 eggs

3 egg yolks

2 tsp of vanilla extract

3 cups of milk

4 cups of heavy whipping cream

1/2 cup of powdered sugar

Step 1/4

Melt white, dark and milk chocolate. Peel and skewer 6 bananas and dip two into each chocolate. Chill to set.

Step 2/4

Crush the graham crackers and add the peanuts. Add melted butter and pinch of salt. Pour into pie pan and press well. Bake the crust for 15 minutes at 350 °F. Let cool.

Step 3/4

Meanwhile, make the filling by whisking together the sugar and cornstarch. Add the eggs and the yolks and whisk well. Add the milk and vanilla. Cook over medium heat, continuously whisking to keep from burning. Cook until the custard is bubbling and thick. Remove from heat and heat until cool, whisking every 5 minutes. Add the butter and whisk until smooth. Slice 2 bananas and place the slices on the crust. Pour the custard on top and chill to set.

Step 4/4

Whip the cream, powdered sugar and salt until firm peaks form. Add the cream to the pie. Remove the skewers from the bananas and push 6 bananas into the cream topping. Add more cream then place the 7th banana in the center Garnish with chopped peanuts.

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